Wednesday 11 February 2015

Music Magazine Interview

When and why did you start playing?
I started playing as a youngster at the age of 6. Naturally with the playing I began to sing and through the years I gained the talent I have today. When growing up my father had a great influence on myself and brought me into the music industry helping me grown as a musician concert to concert.
Which instruments do you play?
I got taught guitar by my father but then through just the knowledge of music and all different  aspects including being able to read music allowed me to teach  myself the piano, bass and even the amusing ukulele. I like to be able to just switch instruments and mix things up making my creation levels grow.
Who was your first teacher? Other teachers?
My father was always the one I took after, always copying what he was doing at a young age but then he noticed how I enjoyed it so he started to teach me slowly but surely and from there he’s always been my teacher, even now im still learning from him as I go.
Which famous musicians do you admire? Why?
 It’s a hard choice seeing as I grew up listening to so many musicians including my farther, but if I had to choose one or a few musicians due to how their music made me think and feel it would be Mumford and  Sons because of their get up and go attitude to music, their songs make you feel alive, they make you want to get up and dance and be happy with the ones you love and that’s what I love about music, it can generate feelings in people which you never knew were there, it allows people to let go and release themselves from this up tight judgement world and get into their own little world. That makes me enjoy music and want to make it, so people become happy.

How often and for how long do you practice?
I practice every day and all day, I pretty much always have a guitar in my hand and it’s my passion otherwise I wouldn't be where I am today would I? But I do love just getting my guitar sitting on my own anywhere and having a strum playing anything at all and sit there in peace.  There’s just nothing like sitting on your own on a dark silent night and just playing a guitar.
Do you perform in public?
Yes I do, I do love coming out randomly and setting up a busking session for an hour or two, not for the extra money but just to make people smile and happy. It gives me joy to do that and I hope it gives other people joy too even if they do just walk past and only get a short listen to my music I still just love to put my sound out there, even if it is doing a few covers here and there so I don’t release new songs for free on the street.