Friday 27 March 2015

Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My magazine has forms of conventions from different magazines, as it holds a lot of the same generic conventions that a real magazine would hold such as a bar code, date, masthead etc. But although it is holding a lot of the same generic conventions it is also quite a unique and individual with its own genre and also holds most of the necessary generic conventions. My magazine also sticks to the conventions of a real magazine by using a 3 way colour scheme where I have used generally 3 main colours to use throughout the front cover contents page and the double page spread to display the same genre and flow the whole way through as I wouldn’t want the audience to think that the genre or style of the magazine is changing as you flick through the pages of the magazine. With my magazine I have generally used white, black and orange throughout the pages to keep a rock touch with the darker colours and also I brighten it up with the white and orange to make it seem livelier to the audience and make the magazine have also a pop touch to it. Also another way that I have made my magazine consist of the same conventions of a real media product is that when developing my magazine I looked at different sorts of magazines on the internet such as Q Magazine which clearly displayed to me which type of generic conventions I needed to use in my magazine and influenced me massively when producing my magazine. When I was looking at the different magazines on the internet I had to take into account of which generic conventions would be necessary to include into my magazine which were also things such as: Including free giveaways, different facts, issue number, logos etc. These different generic conventions make the magazine out to be more professional and worked on and not simple and basic.