Tuesday 9 September 2014

Success criteria for preliminary

Success criteria

· Good light on the model to give a clear front cover.
· Model has to look confident and happy to portray and good school .
· Make sure the structure and layout  are conventional and well organised so that it is easier for the reader to know where to start and  where to go to.
· Knowing who your target audience is so that you will be able to pick a suitable model to have on the front cover linking to the audience making them relate to the magazine.
· Only stick to a 3 colour scheme so the page isn't overwhelming when looking at it.
· Layout should neither be complex or simple
· The font choice should be readable and only have 2 different fonts throughout the magazine
· Should contain pictures that only link to the contents and the target audience
· Use generic conventions
· Contain existing information
·  Mast head at the top clearly stating the name of the magazine
· Have other articles down the side of the magazine cover to advertise them

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