Friday 8 May 2015

Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When I look back at my preliminary task I feel that I have progressed quite a lot since doing this task because I have improved in many different aspects in improving the magazine such as using different fonts and styles throughout the whole magazine to display the same sort of genre and same flow in the magazine. I also improved on the editing of the fonts as in my preliminary task I was typing out text in publisher and just entering it into the magazine without care and it looking quite messy and quite amateur; I also made an improvement on these featured as I went on to google and went onto the website Dafont to make them look more professional and with every single font I would crop them out and then remove the white line and adjust the contrast of them which made my magazine a lot more appealing and less amateur. Also with the images I would remove the white outline of them and also adjust the contrast and brightness of them which was another key factor to making things stand out in my magazine as the bright images and well edited ones where seen as quite eye-catching and appealing. I developed these skills of editing from having constant use on programs such as publisher where I can adjust sizes, placement, contrast and brightness etc. to make the images and text more appealing. I also used the two editing programs of Photoshop and Fireworks where I developed a vast amount of editing skills such as using the magic wand tool, layering, cropping, transform selection etc. These tools in the program made the images look a lot more professional. I also made my recent task a progression from my preliminary task by actually taking a much better quality photo with a better camera and actually thinking about the pose that my model is doing to not stereotype him in the wrong way.

Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have learnt how to use different programs such as Photoshop and Fireworks by editing photos and cropping them and also so that there is no white line around the image when I place it in publisher to be placed on my magazine, also with the use of fireworks or photoshop Im able to make certain shapes to fill something that I may need such as an odd shaped picture boarder. Publisher is also another program I have learnt how to use and adjust different images and also to adjust the contrast and the brightness, with publisher with the basic tools able to be used I can make a standard boarder for a picture or set a lay out for my magazine. Also I have used surveymonkey and also different ways to find out what sort of colours scheme and genre etc that my audience would prefer me to use for my magazine which really helped to adjust my magazine to what people would want opposed to me having what I think people would like so it helps highly on the research side,  so that my target audience were suited to the magazine as best as possible to keep buyers happy and interested.

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience?
I think I addressed my audience quite well by linking it to my genre because I used dark colours in my magazine throughout the front cover, contents and double page spread but then I also used bright colours to display the pop side to may magazine which varied the colour scheme and also my genre is being displayed through the fonts and colour scheme. I think by including a variety of the dark colours and contrasting them with the bright colours through the magazine makes the bright coloured images and text stand out which is very appealing to the target audience as it is quite eye-catching and can make you feel quite intrigued all the way through the pages in the magazine. I also attracted my target audience by using a variety of different images of a model in different clothing which sort of made the audience think that there is a different side with the genre as his clothing changed throughout the magazine which gives it a different flare. Also I used a different variety of images from different concerts which gives the magazine a good vibe of how the concerts would be like if you were to go to them.

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for my media product would be targeted at any age and any sex and of a target that enjoyed listening to rock and pop music also as the genre is quite mixed between the two of the genres as displayed through the style in my magazine and how the facts are about the genre and also the free giveaways are CD’s and also concert information on the acts performing are of this genre. I also think that my product wouldn’t really appeal to any other audience apart from the people that are actually interested in the rock and pop type of genre in the music industry.
in this link is my target audience prezi.

Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Timeinc.UK (IPC) distribute NME which is a high brand music magazine, my magazine would fit nicely beside this one as it is also a music magazine but the genres do not crash giving the company two magazines of a different genre giving them a wider audience, which makes me think they would distribute my magazine especially with the large target audience it hits.

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My media product represents a particular social group which isn’t a particular sex which is therefore spreading the range my target audience bringing more people to buy the magazine, my magazine just really appeals to any sex and age that have an interest in the rock and pop genre and this is displayed with this genre by the use of some dark colours with most of the background pages in the front cover, contents and the double page spread, but it is also easily displaying the pop genre throughout the pages by sticking to a colour scheme and by also using bright colours such as orange and yellow. I ended up picking this social group because when I was on Survey monkey the main genres that were preferred in my question was rock and pop, this gave me a very clear indication to which genre I would be using in my magazine. In the magazine I have made the model have a pose that doesn’t make him look rough and unapproachable or look to nice and happy, he is just standing in a way that makes him seem quite intriguing and it makes the audience want to read through the magazine. And also I haven’t specifically set the magazine at a certain sex or age as I tried to keep all target audience appealed to the magazine to keep a wide variety of interest in the magazine and make sure that the magazine would be able to sell to a large amount of people instead of just a certain type of target audience such as by targeting it at an age of teenage boys; you wouldn’t be likely to receive a lot of purchases to the magazine so by actually opening up the range of target audience it will benefit the person trying to sell the magazine as it will be more likely for people to actually buy the magazine like this.