Friday 8 May 2015

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience?
I think I addressed my audience quite well by linking it to my genre because I used dark colours in my magazine throughout the front cover, contents and double page spread but then I also used bright colours to display the pop side to may magazine which varied the colour scheme and also my genre is being displayed through the fonts and colour scheme. I think by including a variety of the dark colours and contrasting them with the bright colours through the magazine makes the bright coloured images and text stand out which is very appealing to the target audience as it is quite eye-catching and can make you feel quite intrigued all the way through the pages in the magazine. I also attracted my target audience by using a variety of different images of a model in different clothing which sort of made the audience think that there is a different side with the genre as his clothing changed throughout the magazine which gives it a different flare. Also I used a different variety of images from different concerts which gives the magazine a good vibe of how the concerts would be like if you were to go to them.

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