Friday 8 May 2015

Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When I look back at my preliminary task I feel that I have progressed quite a lot since doing this task because I have improved in many different aspects in improving the magazine such as using different fonts and styles throughout the whole magazine to display the same sort of genre and same flow in the magazine. I also improved on the editing of the fonts as in my preliminary task I was typing out text in publisher and just entering it into the magazine without care and it looking quite messy and quite amateur; I also made an improvement on these featured as I went on to google and went onto the website Dafont to make them look more professional and with every single font I would crop them out and then remove the white line and adjust the contrast of them which made my magazine a lot more appealing and less amateur. Also with the images I would remove the white outline of them and also adjust the contrast and brightness of them which was another key factor to making things stand out in my magazine as the bright images and well edited ones where seen as quite eye-catching and appealing. I developed these skills of editing from having constant use on programs such as publisher where I can adjust sizes, placement, contrast and brightness etc. to make the images and text more appealing. I also used the two editing programs of Photoshop and Fireworks where I developed a vast amount of editing skills such as using the magic wand tool, layering, cropping, transform selection etc. These tools in the program made the images look a lot more professional. I also made my recent task a progression from my preliminary task by actually taking a much better quality photo with a better camera and actually thinking about the pose that my model is doing to not stereotype him in the wrong way.

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