Friday 8 May 2015

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My media product represents a particular social group which isn’t a particular sex which is therefore spreading the range my target audience bringing more people to buy the magazine, my magazine just really appeals to any sex and age that have an interest in the rock and pop genre and this is displayed with this genre by the use of some dark colours with most of the background pages in the front cover, contents and the double page spread, but it is also easily displaying the pop genre throughout the pages by sticking to a colour scheme and by also using bright colours such as orange and yellow. I ended up picking this social group because when I was on Survey monkey the main genres that were preferred in my question was rock and pop, this gave me a very clear indication to which genre I would be using in my magazine. In the magazine I have made the model have a pose that doesn’t make him look rough and unapproachable or look to nice and happy, he is just standing in a way that makes him seem quite intriguing and it makes the audience want to read through the magazine. And also I haven’t specifically set the magazine at a certain sex or age as I tried to keep all target audience appealed to the magazine to keep a wide variety of interest in the magazine and make sure that the magazine would be able to sell to a large amount of people instead of just a certain type of target audience such as by targeting it at an age of teenage boys; you wouldn’t be likely to receive a lot of purchases to the magazine so by actually opening up the range of target audience it will benefit the person trying to sell the magazine as it will be more likely for people to actually buy the magazine like this.

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